Company Description
WWG Totaline is a leading provider of commercial refrigeration equipment in Kelowna, offering high-quality solutions to businesses in need of dependable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective refrigeration solutions. Located at 2250 Acland Rd, customers can get in touch with us by calling 2504912665 or visiting Our team of experts is dedicated to serving all your refrigeration equipment needs, ensuring that your business runs smoothly, efficiently, and profitably. We provide top-of-the-line refrigeration systems that are designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small convenience stores to large supermarkets. With our extensive range of products and services, we can help businesses save money, reduce downtime, and increase productivity. At WWG Totaline, we take pride in our commitment to delivering the highest quality products and services, providing unparalleled customer service, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed.
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Products & Services
Ice Machines , High-quality solutions , Become a Dealer , Dependable refrigeration systems , Mobile Apps , Cost-effective refrigeration solutions , Customer Satisfaction , Energy-efficient refrigeration , Coolers , Refrigeration systems for businesses of all sizes , training , Careers , Downtime reduction , Bryant , Productivity increase , resources , Freezers , Commercial refrigeration equipment , Kool KingPayne , Suppliers