Company Description


Rayacom is Canada’s leading full-service printing company, offering in-house graphic design and service you can count on. Our full range of digital printers and offset presses allow us to help you with any job, regardless of size or quantity.

From concept to end-product, we’ve got you covered, with in-house experts that can help you find the right product for your goals, and the ability to reach your audience with a clear and well-designed message.

Rayacom can help you with any of your print needs, and has expertise in all industries - real estate, entertainment, hospitality, professional services, liquor distribution, and more.

We earned our reputation in the industry as a top-class provider of on-demand printing and creative graphic design services. By utilizing sophisticated digital printing presses and having an IN-HOUSE graphic design team, we are able to design and print a product on demand. We have the ability to complete most printing projects within 24 hours.

Rayacom provides on-demand printing and graphic design services to leaders in every industry from small to large businesses worldwide. Our dedicated account representatives are specialists within their industries including real estate, entertainment, hospitality, salon + spas, professional services and liquor distribution.

Vancouver/ Kelowna/ Edmonton / Calgary / Saskatoon / Regina / Toronto

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Products & Services

Leaders in Every Industry ,   Dedicated Account Representatives ,   Specialists within Their Industries ,   Offset Presses ,   Creative Graphic Design ,   Entertainment ,   Professional Services ,   Real Estate ,   graphic design ,   Salon + Spas ,   digital printing ,   In-House Graphic Design ,   On-Demand Printing ,   Small to Large Businesses ,   Hospitality ,   Printing ,   Liquor Distribution  

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Rayacom Kelowna

555 Lawrence Ave Kelowna, BC
(250) 979-0311