Picture for Penticton, BC

Local Businesses in Penticton, BC

Penticton is a city in the Okanagan Valley in southern British Columbia, Canada, located between Lakes Okanagan and Skaha. As of the 2016 Canadian Census, the population was 33,761, while the census agglomeration population was 43,432.

Penticton's median household income is 16% below the national average.

Penticton's unemployment rate is 5% below the national average.

In Penticton, 7.9% of people earn less than her $20,000.

10.7% of people make $80,000 to $100,000, 2.3% earn $300,000 or more.

Penticton, BC Employment
Penticton, BC Employment

Official website: https://www.penticton.ca/

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